Monday, March 30, 2009

Exercising the Mind and Body

So, today has started off wonderfully. I woke up, spent a few minutes around the house (most of it was me still laying in bed too lazy to get up) and had some breakfast. It consisted of nothing more than my cold leftovers from Mongolian Grille last night and 1/4th of an orange. It was actually a great breakfast.

I got dressed and pulled out my bike and went for a bike ride around the neighborhood. I was gone for about 30-45 minutes and rode about 5-6 miles though the hike and bike trail that weaves through my neighborhood.  It was wonderful and beautiful. I just kept riding, with the drive and thought that I did not want to be done yet. So it is a great morning so far. Ok so lets jump back in time and do this all in order.

About 3 weeks ago we got a room mate. YAY! His name is Kent. This is a picture of Kent. 

This is Chris and Kent drunk and playing dress up with the dogs on the kitchen floor.

Earlier this week (Saturday March 21st)  I got a wild hair and decided that I was going to make a BIG piece of art... of myself. So I found an image and at 3:00 PM started to work. I took images of the progress of the piece so I could document it. I Finished at 12:30 AM with the piece being 6 feet tall by 4 feet wide. It. Is. AWESOME!

The sketch

The sketch

The black has been laid down



Lets speed things up a bit and move onto this past Saturday. Chris, Kathryn, Michael, April and I went to Enchanted Rock for the Day. It took us about an hour and forty minutes to get there but we stopped in Fredericksburg on the way. They took us to Aushlander (Sp?) and I got a HUGE Spetsle (spelling again) burger and Chris got Rouladden, a roast beef, bacon and onion covered pickle all smothered in gravy!!! Mmm Delicious. 

So back to E-Rock. According to the Texas State Parks site "Enchanted Rock State Natural Area consists of 1643.5 acres... humans have visited it for over 11,000 years. The Rock is a huge, pink granite exfoliation dome, that rises 425 feet above ground, 1825 feet above sea level, and covers 640 acres. It is one of the largest batholiths (underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States." ... all I have to say is, I climbed that, it was EPIC! Oh and we went spelunking (cave diving) into the caves in the rock and we are going to go back this next weekend with headlights and equipment to go deeper. It was a great day and a beautiful place. I can not wait to go again.

That little read circle on top of the rock. That is much bigger than the person on the rock inside that ring.

One of the beautiful caves

After we all climbed out of one set of caves

Huge Rocks on the very top of E-Rock

We saw a raccoon!

ie: The slope of the rock climbing back down

So much fun! We are all slanted.

So this past week or so has been very rewarding and exciting. My mom sent me a box with some great books for jewelry making and crafts. But I have to go shopping for some food and sich right now before it gets closer to work time for me. Man this is just a good day.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

So, I finally finished Inkheart. It took two weeks to read. Half of the reason for that was the length of the book and how much time I had to read in one sitting. The other half is the fluctuation of the climax of the book. It ends, or so you think, and then it keeps going.

It was a good book but it was much longer than I thought. Now I am getting Inkspell and Inkdeath. Both are longer than the first. Lets hope that they are a little more interesting than the first book.

So At this point I have read,

Son of a Witch
A Lion Among Men

The City of Ember
The People of Sparks
The Prophet of Yonwood
The Diamond of Darkhold

The Looking Glass Wars
Seeing Redd


The Graveyard Book

The Invention of Hugo Cabaret

Inkspell (Soon)
Inkdeath (Soon)

I also have checked out on my library card these titles and are going to read them as well soon, i hope.


Atherton: the House of Power

The Dark Hills Devide Book 1

The Magician
The Alchemest
The Sorceress (Reliesed May 2009)

The Hound of Rowan