Sunday, March 8, 2009

So, I finally finished Inkheart. It took two weeks to read. Half of the reason for that was the length of the book and how much time I had to read in one sitting. The other half is the fluctuation of the climax of the book. It ends, or so you think, and then it keeps going.

It was a good book but it was much longer than I thought. Now I am getting Inkspell and Inkdeath. Both are longer than the first. Lets hope that they are a little more interesting than the first book.

So At this point I have read,

Son of a Witch
A Lion Among Men

The City of Ember
The People of Sparks
The Prophet of Yonwood
The Diamond of Darkhold

The Looking Glass Wars
Seeing Redd


The Graveyard Book

The Invention of Hugo Cabaret

Inkspell (Soon)
Inkdeath (Soon)

I also have checked out on my library card these titles and are going to read them as well soon, i hope.


Atherton: the House of Power

The Dark Hills Devide Book 1

The Magician
The Alchemest
The Sorceress (Reliesed May 2009)

The Hound of Rowan

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