Saturday, August 29, 2009

Party Like a Rock Star

Last night was great! Chris got home from work and was really depressed and not quite as happy as I was hoping to find him. After explaining to me that he felt bored and wanted to go out I rattled off a short list of what we could go do together, some of which was, going to Austin Park and Pizza, Fado's Irish Pub downtown and going over to friends houses. After a few minutes of other activities around the house we decided to go to a friends restaurant, Zakia's Greek Cuisine. We hopped in the shower and were about to be on our way when we realized that it might already be closed for the night, so Fado's came back into the picture.

Fado's Irish Pub is an authentic Irish pub with authentic amazing Irish food and drink as well as the amazing live Irish music. So we rush off to 4th and Lavaca in the middle of downtown Austin for an impromptu date night. When we arrived, I got to use my new Texas DL to enter and Now I can seeing as I am FINALLY 21. Chris ordered a Hard Cider and we got some appetizers.

Before I begin to tell you what we got, lets just say that if you could eat food from the heavens, Fado's has a direct link to their kitchen. Everything I have ever eaten there is mouthwatering orgasm on a plate. Last night was no different. We ordered two appetizers as the main menu was no longer being served for the night. Severed almost instantly was "Cheese Dip And Wedges A creamy blend of Irish cheddar, pepper jack cheese and green onion served with boxty wedges for dipping." Chris and I both love queso and we were (I am now horribly ashamed to say) expecting a drippy melted cheese with tortilla chips. What we got was the most amazing fluffy frothed thick irish cheese I have ever had, Served with potatoes cut into little wedges just like a tortilla chip is and then fried to perfection. I don't think I will ever have anything as good save for the next appetizer we ordered. Unfortunately it is not listed on the website menu however it was tomato slices with chefs mozzarella slices laid atop one another with cherry tomatoes and fresh basil leaves all drizzled in a savory basalmic vinegar. It was so refreshing with the basil and the fluffy mozzarella it was the most amazing compliment to our cheese dip.

After taking care of the tab we headed out into the streets towards 6th and Lavaca. Once we arrived at the intersection of 5th and Lavaca we heard some live Brass music. This however is nothing new as we have already passed about three beggars banging away unskilled on an overturned plastic bucket and I know of a homeless man who plays a sax on the streets. However this was a full band, we heard tuba, trumpets, trombone, saxophone, cowbells, tambourines, and large marching drums. Without missing a step as I was walking behind Chris I steered him over to the music. The music was amazing and is everything that Austin in. There were six members all playing an arrangement of those brass instruments and people were dancing in the street and just having an amazing time.

After watching them play for a good 10 minutes or more, Chris and I picked up a flyer that they were handing out. The band is named Austin Knights Brass Band (MySpace and FaceBook). The will be playing a FREE show at Lucky Lounge Thursday September 3rd. at 10 PM. I think Chris and I might have to go and see them again. I have three recordings of them on my phone however it does not like me and will not let my put the videos here. So please go visit their MySpace or FaceBook. They are amazing and uplifting and I just want to dance now!

After we managed to make it to 6th street we went to a few of Chris's favorite bars, one being The Jackalope. I had been to 6th street with a friend Chelsea before but did not really enjoy myself, but tonight Chris and I had set out to find me a drink that I like and stay out all night. After Chris ran out of bars I went to the only one I knew and somewhat liked, Maggie Mae's. This place has (I am over guessing here) about 10 DJs/ rooms and stages. As well as twice as many bars. It is two stories with the second being most open to the sky as well as the bottom floor in the middle. We went right up the stairs to the second floor and Chris and I were not there for more than 5 minutes and we run into none other than Chelsea, our wonderful friend who introduced me to Maggie Mae's. Chris being set on finding me a drink I like told me to try Chelsea's Vodka and Sprite. I am proud to say I have found my drink. Chris quickly went to one of the 1000 bars in this place and got me one of my own. I drank the entire thing, I took my time not knowing how I would react to it but, I drank it. For anyone who knows me at all, this is a HUGE deal!

After bouncing around the dance floor at Maggie's we went over to Spill to find a friend of Chelsea's and Chelsea, being as intoxicated as she was, stopped a Shot Girl (a very pretty one as it was, Chelsea has great taste when she is drunk) and bought Chris, my and herself a shot. I was given a Blueberry Bomb, Chris and Hazard Bomb and Chelsea picked out another Blueberry Bomb for herself. We cheered and drank. It was another good find for Chelsea that night. Blueberry bombs are delicious. I have no idea what is in them and the do go down a little hard but it was most definitely something I can have more of.

Last night was so much fun, Chris and I danced and drank a little and it was just an amazing night. Something I have never experienced. On our way home, Chris drove as he was sober and I had my first "buzz" yet the only thing I could say about it is that I was completely content to simply stare off into space and go to sleep.

But to put it Simply, last night was amazing. Chris and I had a blast. And Chris said that he has never really had that much fun downtown before. I guess all he needed was me!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Artist Spotlight

Teresita Fernandez:

Teresita Fernández was born in 1968 in Miami, Florida and lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. She has been featured in numerous solo exhibitions internationally and abroad at sites including the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C.; New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York; the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, Spain; the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia; Site Santa Fe, New Mexico, Castello di Rivoli, Torino, Italy; the Witte de With in Rotterdam; and the Miami Art Museum, Florida. She was featured in Outer City, Inner Space: Teresita Fernández, Stephen Hendee, and Ester Partegas at the Whitney Museum of American Art at Philip Morris in 2002. In August 2009 a show of Fernandez's recent work, Blind Landscape, opened at the Contemporary Art Museum at the University of South Florida in Tampa. This exhibition will then travel to the Blanton Museum of Art in Austin, TX.
Fernández is the youngest artist commissioned by the Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Park, where her work Seattle Cloud Cover allows visitors to walk through a covered skyway while viewing the city's skyline through tiny holes in multicolored glass. Her new site-specific commission Blind Blue Landscape will be on view from September 2009 at the renowned Benesse Art Site in Naoshima, Japan. In January 2009, The Blanton Museum of Art unveiled Stacked Waters, a site-specific installation created for the cavernous entrance of the museum. Starfield, Fernández's installation at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Texas, is on view from September 2009. She is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards both in the U.S. and abroad, including the 2005 MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, a 2003 Guggenheim Fellowship, and the 1999 Louis Comfort Tiffany Biennial Award, and she has had residencies in Japan, Italy, and at ArtPace in San Antonio. She was commissioned for special projects by the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2000, and by the Public Art Fund in 2001. Her work is included in numerous major private collections as well as the permanent collections of the St. Louis Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, the Miami Art Museum, the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Sammlung Goetz, and Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York. Fernández had her first solo exhibition in 1995 at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, and regularly exhibits work worldwide.

The work of this artist is one level that I strive for. Her contemporary modern pieces are so striking in their use of the world around us, that it takes the worlds beauty to make her pieces show. Her art is visual, and interactive, stunningly beautiful and so simple.

I only hope that one day I can be so creative as she.

Self Portrait

March 21st, 2009 I was watching a video by the talented Nathan Wyburn (a 19 year old from Wales) working on a self portrait on himself on a large scale. His video inspired me to do a self portrait of myself measuring 6 feet in hight by 4 feet in length. I sadly do not have a video of my work but I have images that document my progress.

I started from the very beginning of graphing my image and laying out my paper at 3:00 pm and finished about 8 hours later. My entire image was done in one sitting.

Behold, My beauty!

Bubble Walls

I have always been bored with the walls of my living room. The owners of the home before us had painted them brown. Brown like chocolate milk as some of my friends say, I say brown like a baby who ate roses then shat it out. Needless to say I really do no like my wall colors.

And well as I own my home, I have the creative right to do what I want to it. Late one February night I was bored as usual but wanted to paint. The owners left some of the house paint behind so we might touch up the walls should be need to. After digging out some white high gloss and some paint brushes, pulling all the furniture away from the walls I got started.

BUBBLES! Dripping Bubbles to be exact. I free handed the bubbles onto the wall to create a more organic look and allowed the paint to drip down the walls. The drips hold little pools of paint on the bottom when they are dried so when I do paint the living room that beautiful rich light green, I will have to go around with a blade and cut off those nubs.

But it allowed me to exercise a little of my creative freedom.

Crafting News

Well it seems that some of my muse has come back and I am in the middle of a creative overhaul changing my style and well, becoming the artist that I have always wanted to be.

I am going to be trying to post everything that I am making, working on, inspired to create and blog about the process and where the inspiration came from and how to do the craft your self.

Because I am coming into this with projects already underway and some finished, I will be going back in time to show you some of the things I started to work on and have finished recently. Then once those are posted we can move onto the current musings and new creative endeavors.

Cancer Free

I just got back from the Endocrinologist and after my Biopsy two weeks ago, they said that everything is clear. Doctors statement: "Unfortunately there is no way we will be able to know if this will always be cancer free.... oh wait, this is your third biopsy, never mind, you will almost definitely be cancer free with this nodule."

Hurrah! I get to keep my Thyroid! I am somewhat partial to it, it has given my a stable mood and metabolism, I do not want to loose that or have to take medication for the rest of my life. I am only 21.

So good news for me!