Friday, April 24, 2009

Inspired Geekery

Well, it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything. It is truly unfortunate because every night I go through my lists of sites that I keep up to date with and I have been hovering my cursor over the blog yet nothing comes to mind to post. So I hastily move onto the next pressing MySpace update or R/F Forum post.

Well the time has come for me to be inspired to post to Blog Spot. Unfortunately it is while I am at work.... -_-

So the event and ideas that have me so wound up at this moment in time are a few in number. Last weekend at Fair I bought a dress that I could not afford but had been wanting for about three years. I tried it on the weekend before and it was perfect. It haunted me all week and so I purchased the dress this past weekend. Everyone was stunned by how well it fit and how amazing it was. I was just as shocked and was loving every minute of it.

Chris had stated at some point through out the day that I looked Like an elf. Like Arwen from Lord of the Rings to be exact. Then everyone started to agree and well, that settled it. I found myself a new character.

So in addition to Chris feeling bad about not having rockin' new garb like mine (his ego was deflated because I was getting some much attention about the dress) I told him that I will have his new nobles riding coat made by 6th weekend of fair when we go back. This en tales much sewing and learning due to using some techniques that I have not been exposed to yet. So I am making Chris's new nobles garb and I am also starting the process for my elven circlet. Remember how Chris called me his own personal Arwen? Well her Butterfly Coronation Circlet is now on my to do list. I am Thrilled! It is going to be amazing!

So I also got some hair extensions that I am going to wear to make my hair longer, fuller, darker, and straighter. Unfortunately to save on some money I got the hair that comes in long sheets and I have to cut it and stitch in the clips myself. Good thing I know how to do that!

Well, I will be posting some images in this blog when i get home to show that clothes and supplies, then when i start on each project I will post a blog on all my steps with pictures!

*SQUEE!* Ooo I am so excited! Everything is going to be beautiful!

Wish me luck. (I am only worried about my need to have the house clean get in my way.)

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